The number of visitors herding to 4th Annual “Dino Fest Weekend” set another record 13,634! We had a Great Time! But there was a lot of preparation before the event. Paint – check, Paint Trays & Pumps – check, Compressed Sponges – check, Aprons for All Size Kids from 3 to 93 – check, wash water buckets – check, towels & hand sanitizer – check, Instructional Signs & Pictures of Prehistoric Pals at the Park – check, Banners – check, Cargo Van – check, Angie’s transport – check, wagon for water exchange – check, Angie’s ready – check and most important Volunteers for both Days – check!
A number of parents wondered where I purchased the Dinosaur Sponges. I made them! That’s right and You can too! The compressed sponge pads are 8 11/16 inches by 8 11/16 inches. They come 4 to a package in mixed colors – blue, green, yellow & goldenrod. I sketch the dinosaur with pencil. When I’m happy with the design, I go over it in pen to make the lines easier to see. An X-Acto knife works best for me. I used 3 layers of cardboard from boxes underneath to make sure I didn’t cut through to the table. A cutting board could be another option. The X-Acto knife is great for getting those detailed cuts. However, I wouldn’t recommend putting one in the hands of child. Parents you will want to do the cutting for them. The kids can still draw the dinosaurs with you!
Unfortunately, I purchased the compact sponges 3 years ago and the vendor I acquired them from no longer sells them. So, I will be in search of a new source. I’ll keep you posted when I find one. The Good News is I still have enough material to make New Dinosaur Sponges for the 5th Annual Dino Fest Weekend!
This Volunteers are Students from CA State Northridge (CSUN) & University of Southern California (USC) working toward their Teaching Credentials. A return Volunteer from CSUN, Noreen is now a Kindergarten Teacher. They not only are an incredible help to me but are great with the kids & parents. What could be a more Fun Experience than Working with Kids & their Parents Painting a Dinosaur?
Dino Fest – Saturday the 21st Day One
First shift Crystal a return volunteer from CSUN. This year her brother Michael & mom Kathy joined in the Adventure. Ava from USC also on the morning shift. The afternoon shift Ashley (USC) joined by her sister Kathleen & friend Marcos. Cathy (USC) brought her daughter – CC & son – Caulin to give a hand. An hour into the afternoon shift Shelly & Kathleen (both USC) arrived and closed the day with me. With so many volunteers on duty for the afternoon, I was able to slip away for “Walking with Dinosaurs” in 3D! It’s about a 30-minute movie and was only playing for Dino Fest Weekend. I had a short opportunity to check out some of the vendors in African Mammal Hall. Special Thanks to Ashley, both Kathleens, Marcos, CC, Caulin & Shelly! If not for them I would not have had an opportunity to Explore the other activities at Dino Fest! If not for Shelly & Kathleen’s help closing, Angie would not have started Sunday with a clean look. Angie received a Saturday Night bath. We scrubbed her with brushes for a good thirty minutes!
Below: Michael helps young painter, Dads have Fun painting too with Michael & Crystal in the background and Crystal enjoys watching a group of young artists.
Below: I pose with Ava, The afternoon & closing Team – left to right – Kathleen, Shelly, Ashley, Kathleen, Marcos, Caulin & CC.
Stay Tuned for Dino Fest – Sunday 22nd Day Two
You can still catch “Titanosaurs 3D” & “Antarctic Dinosaurs” at The Natural History Museum in Los Angeles!
Be Trilled by “Titanosaurs 3D” & Chill with “Antarctic Dinosaurs”!
Special Exhibits!
“Encouraging the Appreciation of Art and Education through the Inspiration of Dinosaurs”
Paul & Prehistoric Pals
Your feedback is appreciated, Thank you!